The very modular Fab Cab interior

Modular homes ain’t what they used to be!

No, indeed! Modular homes are much, much better and have a very bright future. The ‘trailer park’ image of the past simply doesn’t fit with the smart, modern new modular homes being produced in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand today.

Being ‘factory built’ doesn’t mean that today’s modular homes all come out looking the same. Modern materials and technologies allow for a high degree of customization, both in design and finishes. But the major benefits of old remain… minimal wastage, no risk of on-site theft of materials and the reality that construction is not dependent on weather.

Still worried about that ‘trailer park’ look? Maybe these examples will change your mind…

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You’ll find the full details of these modular homes here:

Of all these, we were especially impressed by the last, the Popup House because it really does tick all the right boxes, including the fact that all materials are fully recyclable! Here’s a short video showing just how quickly the home goes up…

Can you see a modular home in your future?



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