Living in a Bubble

France  –  BubbleTree

Have you ever accused someone of living in a bubble? Well French design and manufacturing company Bubble Tree have made this a reality. There are two basic types of bubbles to choose from – the BubbleRoom which has a translucent bottom half for “privacy” or the CristalBubble for the more adventurous. Both bubble types have a floor diameter of about 4 metres but for those wanting more space a bubble can be combined with a smaller bubble to create a BubbleLodge or with another full-sized bubble to make a GrandLodge.

Have you ever accused someone of living in a bubble?
Have you ever accused someone of living in a bubble?

A silent blower keeps the bubble in shape and also runs the air through a filter that supposedly removes all bugs, moisture and allergens. That fresh air, along with the bubble’s ultraviolet-proof plastic, helps moderate temperatures and keeps the greenhouse effect in check. For a cool €7796 a CristalBubble with a removable wood floor, air turbine and carry case could be yours. Let us know what you think – Is living in a bubble for you? Is this glamorous camping or a glamorous joke? Would you bother with the modesty panel or would you just let it all hang out? Don’t leave us living in a bubble – share your thoughts?

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