Helicopter Home

Search and rescue helicopter holiday home

Helicopter Home

Thornhill, Scotland

This helicopter may be retired from its military service but it’s far from going to the scrap heap. The search and rescue aircraft is now lodged in its new home, serving a new and unusual purpose!

This 17m-long Sea King ZA127 helicopter originally retired from active service in 1994 even though it was still being used in naval training until 2002. As it was doing its farewell tour around Scotland, Stirling farmer Martyn Steedman, while watching it on TV, thought it would be nice to have one. His wife, Louise, thought he was kidding, but was surprised when she learned he had actually put a bid in!

Helicopter Home

No one else bid against Martyn. And so after officially winning, the couple had it transported to their place at Mains Farm Wigwams and got to work transforming the old helicopter into a one of a kind vacation home.

They restored the aircraft’s exterior and retained almost all of its original features. The orIginal dashboard, overhead panel and foot pedals are still intact for people to get a feel of the Sea King as the helicopter it once was. The sonar system however was taken out and donated to The Helicopter Museum in Weston-super-Mare to make room for the shower and mini-kitchen.

It’s furnished with a large bed, which can be folded down into a sofa for visitors during the day. It has additional seating that can be also be used for sleeping. No space is wasted as it even includes a narrow nook located at the aircraft’s tail!

Our favourite part? The cockpit. This area doesn’t only feature the helicopter’s origin, it also provides a panoramic view of the beautiful Stirling countryside. Just imagine enjoying a good cup of coffee in that spot!

Wishing you could spend a holiday in an awesome place like this right now? Well, you can actually stay in this helicopter home very soon as it is ready to accommodate guests beginning next year!

What do you think of this unusual conversion?

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