Fultonville TX USA – Heritage Barns
Two 19th century English framed barns have been resurrected as this home and party-come-guest barn. The home has been finished to a more conventional standard than the guest barn, having plasterboard finished walls and polished timber floors. The barn is much more rustic with it’s polished concrete flooring and timber paneling.
Heritage Restorations is a Fultonville based builder that scours the country looking for re-purposing opportunities either on spec or contract. They locate, dismantle, restore and re-erect historic timber frame buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries.
Projects to date include old barns, houses, hand-hewn log cabins and mills. These time-tested, hand-crafted structures are then combined with modern, energy-efficient designs and materials to make beautiful and unique barn homes, guest houses, commercial spaces and even . . . barns!
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