The bedroom that isn't...

Moving up in Italy

Torino Italy  –  Point Architecture

Year:     2010

Most Europeans live in homes significantly smaller than those in the ‘New World’. In fact, according to a BBC report (2006), the average Euro home is about half the size of their Australian or North American counterpart.  No matter how you look at it, that either makes half of us inefficient in our space usage or the other half very efficient. You can decide which :)

The bedroom that isn't...
The bedroom that isn’t…

The renovation featured here is of an apartment in Torino, Italy. The high ceiling has allowed the architect to create a dual purpose room that is remarkably spacious during the day, yet a cosy bedroom at night. A clever storage option has also allowed a ‘quiet zone’ for the children’s sleeping area.  Here are the architect’s notes:

“New additions to the family since the house’s initial renovation made this project’s challenge the optimal use of available space. The idea behind the project is one of educating the family to the non-conventional and multifunctional use of space. It is for this reason that it was decided to give the large existing living room space multiple functionality; the owner’s bedroom, the living and dining space and a relaxation area are all found here while the remaining spaces are dedicated to the newborn children.

We decided to raise half of the main room to create a larch wood platform, which hosts the relaxation space with a sofa and television, and exploit the height difference to hide a rollaway bed and a storage space.

All of the new furniture is made to our own design in white or champagne lacquered MDF wood. A new, fully equipped walk-in wardrobe space has the appearance of a white varnished monolith from the outside and divides the entrance area in two, while also serving as a decompression space that leads into the babies’ room.”

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Another clever renovation and extension is A is for A-Frame



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